Il Santuario della Madonna della Neve

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La chiesa di Corte fu edificata prima del 1600 e fu benedetta nel 1607. Fatta saltare in aria di proposito durante la Prima Guerra mondiale dagli austriaci, fu ricostruita, grazie alle offerte raccolte a Livinallongo e in altri comuni,  venne consacrata nuovamente nel 1933. Dai bombardamenti si salvò la statua della Madonna della Neve, trasportata a Corvara e riportata a Fodom dopo la guerra.

The church of Corte was built before 1600 and it was blessed in 1607. It had been exploded during the World War I by austrians, it's was rebuilt, thanks to offering in Livinallongo and other municipalities, it's was again consacrated in 1933. For bombardment was saved the stautue of ''Madonna della Neve'', it's was transported in Corvara and it's was reported in Fodom after the War.

Filialkirche Maria Schnee im Weiler Corte. Das am 5. August 1607 vom Brixner Weihbischof und Domprobst Simon Feuerstein konsekrierte Kirchlein galt einst als das schönste in ganz Buchenstein. 1775 wurde die Kirche renoviert. Die Maria -Schnee -Verehrung erlebte ab dem 17. JH. im gesamten Alpenraum einen großen Aufschwung, so daß auch aus dem Gadertal Wallfahrer herüber kamen, dieser Brauch hielt sich bis zum heutigen Tag.

Inserito da: Consorzio di Arabba Fodom Turismo
Località Corte
32020 Livinallongo del Col di Lana