Museo della Basilica di Sant'Eustorgio



Il museo di Sant’Eustorgio, situato accanto all’omonima basilica, comprende la magnifica Cappella Portinari dove si possono ammirare gli affreschi di Vincenzo Foppa, le Cappelle Solariane e la monumentale sagrestia. La fondazione della basilica si ritiene risalga al III-IV secolo, e sotto l’abside posteriore si possono vedere i resti della primissima chiesa di epoca paeocristana (VI secolo).

The museum of the basilica of St Eustorgio is located on the site of the former Dominican convent. From the cloister one can reach the paleochristian cemetery, which contains an interesting collection of epigraphs. Proceeding further we come to the Chapter room and the ancient sacresty and further on to the PORTINARI Chapel, with the frescoes by Vincenzo Foppa ( 1464-68). A collection of paintings present various examples of the Milanese works ranging from Mannerism to Neoclassicism. Some sculptures, the 12th century statue of St Eugene and the 17th century wooden statues of St Dominic and of St Peter the Martyr, complete the historic and artistic scene. The 15th century cabinets in the sacresty contain a collection of ceremonial silver plates, the saints' relics and what remains of the precious ornaments of the basilica. The purpose of the Parish Museum is to take the visitors through the thousand year history of the basilica from its very origins on an ancient necropolis to the triumph of Renaissance and the various restorations which took place in the 18th and 19th century. The rich historic and spiritual patrimony of the convent and the basilica are inseparable from a close relationship with the parish community. The Portinari Chapel is not only a sublime work of art but is also a place of worship where the holy mass is celebrated.

Inserito da: Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo
Piazza Sant'Eustorgio, 1
20122 Milano