Masterclass di chitarra



Il Conservatorio Steffani propone delle Masterclass, seminari e conferenze in occasione del "Festival Chitarristico Internazionale 2025", per gli allievi del Conservatorio e anche per gli uditori esterni.

Il terzo ospite che parteciperà sarà Kristina Varlid, chitarrista norvegese.

Nata a Stavanger, è una delle chittariste classiche più acclamate a livello internazionale dopo aver vinto numerosi premi, quali il 1^Premio all'Antwerpen International Guitar Edition nel 2017 e il concorso Grachtenfestival Conservatorium, diventando la miglior studentessa dei Paesi Bassi. Inizia a suonare a 6 anni e ha studiato al Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, al Prince Claus Conservatoire of Scotland, al Prince Claus Conservatoire a Groningen e alla Norvegian Accademy of Music a Oslo.

Ha suonato in molti concerti da solista nelle sale più importanti al mondo. La sua produzione musicale vede, come sue opere maggiori, "An Idea", la sua opera di debutto, e "5 Stages of Grief", in memoria della sua insegnante Sabrina Vaskalic.

The Steffani Conservatory is offering masterclasses, seminars, and conferences during the "International Guitar Festival 2025," for the students of the Conservatory as well as for external auditors.

The third guest participating will be Kristina Varlid, a Norwegian guitarist.

Born in Stavanger, she is one of the most internationally acclaimed classical guitarists after winning numerous awards, such as the 1st Prize at the Antwerpen International Guitar Edition in 2017 and the Grachtenfestival Conservatorium competition, becoming the best student in the Netherlands. She began playing at the age of 6 and studied at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the Prince Claus Conservatoire of Scotland, the Prince Claus Conservatoire in Groningen, and the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo.

She has performed in many solo concerts in the most important venues worldwide. Her musical works include, as her major pieces, "An Idea," her debut work, and "5 Stages of Grief," in memory of her teacher Sabrina Vaskalic.

Das Conservatorio Steffani bietet Masterclass, Seminare und Vorträge im Rahmen des "Internationalen Gitarrenfestivals 2025" für die Studierenden des Conservatorio und auch für externe Zuhörer an.

Die dritte Gastgeberin wird Kristina Varlid, eine norwegische Gitarristin, sein.

Geboren in Stavanger, ist sie eine der international gefeiertsten klassischen Gitarristinnen, nachdem sie zahlreiche Preise gewonnen hat, darunter den 1. Preis beim Antwerpen International Guitar Edition im Jahr 2017 und den Grachtenfestival Conservatorium Wettbewerb, bei dem sie die beste Studentin der Niederlande wurde. Sie begann im Alter von 6 Jahren zu spielen und studierte am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, am Prince Claus Conservatoire of Scotland, am Prince Claus Conservatoire in Groningen und an der Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo.

Sie hat in vielen Solokonzerten in den bedeutendsten Sälen der Welt gespielt. Ihre musikalischen Werke umfassen als ihre Hauptwerke "An Idea", ihr Debütwerk, und "5 Stages of Grief" zu Ehren ihrer Lehrerin Sabrina Vaskalic.

Inserito da: Regione del Veneto
31033 Castelfranco Veneto