Chiesa e convento dei Francescani



I Francescani si stabiliscono in città nel 1221; l'edificio attuale risale alla prima metà del Trecento, ma il soffitto originale, piano e con un coro poligonale, viene sostituito da volte quattrocentesche. Il chiostro è uno splendido esempio gotico che sostituisce il romanico della prima costruzione. Numerosi sono gli affreschi di varia epoca con esempi di scuola giottesca, del Seicento e Settecento. la chiesa conserva un magnifico altare ligneo di Hans Klocker di Bressanone (legno dipinto - 1500) dedicato alla Natività. Il coro della chiesa è impreziosito dalle vetrate moderne di Widmoser.

The Franciscan order settles in town in 1221; the present building Dates back to the rist haf of the 14th century, but the original ceiling, flat and with a choir of polygonal shape, has been replaces by a vaulted ceiling from the 15th century. The coister is a beautiful example of gothic art, which replaces the Romanesque style in which the rest of the building was built; there are different frescoes from various periods of time, including some from Giotto's School and some from the 17th and 18th century. The church still preserves an astounding wooden altar by Hans Klocker of Brixen (painted Wood - 1500) which was dedicated to the Nativity Scene. The choir of the church is embellished by the modern glass panels of Widmoser.

Der Franziskanerorden ließ sich 1221 in Bozen nieder. Der Bau geht zurück auf die erste Hälfte des 13. Jh. Die Decke war ursprünglich flach und hatte einen vieleckigen Chor, während heute ein Gewölbe aus dem 14. Jh. das Kircheninnere prägt. Der Kreuzgang ist ein bewundernswertes Beispiel aus der Gotik, ursprünglich befand sich hier ein romanischer Kreuzgang. Zahlreich sind die Fresken aus verschiedenen Epochen, mit Beispielen aus der Schule des Giotto, aber auch aus dem 17. und 18. Jh. Der Flügelaltar mit der Geburt Jesu vom Brixner Meister Hans Klocker (bemaltes Holz, 1500) ist ein Kleinod der gotischen Schnitzkunst. Der Chorraum wurde mit modernen Glasfenstern von Widmoser bereichert.

The Franciscan order settles in town in 1221; the present building Dates back to the rist haf of the 14th century, but the original ceiling, flat and with a choir of polygonal shape, has been replaces by a vaulted ceiling from the 15th century. The coister is a beautiful example of gothic art, which replaces the Romanesque style in which the rest of the building was built; there are different frescoes from various periods of time, including some from Giotto's School and some from the 17th and 18th century. The church still preserves an astounding wooden altar by Hans Klocker of Brixen (painted Wood - 1500) which was dedicated to the Nativity Scene. The choir of the church is embellished by the modern glass panels of Widmoser.

Inserito da: Azienda di Soggiorno e Turismo di Bolzano
Via dei Francescani 1
39100 Bolzano